About the Author

Maybelle has been propelled through life on the wings of her faith and her passionate determination to give back, as evidenced in her powerful story. And in this respect, she is a living manifestation of one of God's most profound truths, namely that we are all put on this earth for the sole purpose of allowing Him to bless others through us. And surely, there are few places where this truth is more evident than in the testimony of Maybelle's life.

As a result of the experiences that this book chronicles, Maybelle has been transformed into a woman with a ferocious core strength. So she moves through life fluidly—clinging to no place, no person, and no thing that might deter her from her single-minded determination to honor her Lord by surviving and giving back.

Clearly, God has seen Maybelle through challenges that would have crushed others, and she has accepted her role as His “suffering servant” with an ever-deepening love and grace, making her story both instructional and inspiring for all who encounter her.

In the words of her teen son: “My mom is a very godly, loving, and caring woman. The type to always put others before her, especially when it comes to family. Family means everything to her. Through her personal ups and downs, she still makes sure her family and extended family are okay. She is a sinner washed by the blood of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and she dedicates her life being a warrior for Him and the truth. I love her so much."